
Home Vendors Makeblock
Makeblock is a global provider of STEAM educational solutions. Makeblock offers high-quality hardware, software, teaching aids, and top-notch robotics competitions to achieve a deep integration of technology and education. The main slogan of the company is to help more people enjoy creativity while having fun. The mission of the company is to create high-quality and valuable products to help people turn their ideas into reality and take education to the next level. Learn more

About vendor

Makeblock is a global provider of STEAM educational solutions. Makeblock offers high-quality hardware, software, teaching aids, and top-notch robotics competitions to achieve a deep integration of technology and education.


Makeblock's mission is to help children who enjoy creativity and entertainment around the world better prepare for the digital age and learn STEM through play by providing them with the best series of products to realize their engineering goals and easy programming. Makeblock helps children learn how to practically use different technical devices so that they do not fear problems in the future and grow up to be socially responsible individuals with critical thinking skills.



Makeblock offers a wide range of hardware products, including the Maker Space platform for building DIY technology devices, the mBot series robot kits for education, the Neuron and mBuild programmable electronic building block platform, and the Codey Rocky and mTiny edutainment robots.


The company's product range also includes xTool machines, which allow you to design and create parts and mechanical components from almost any material.



Makeblock has developed a series of STEAM education software solutions. The easy-to-use Makeblock software makes coding interactive, easy and fun.


mBlock 5 is a powerful platform that supports block (Scratch) and text (Python, Arduino IDE) programming and all the latest technologies such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, data manipulation, cloud services and many others.


Makeblock app is an all-in-one application for controlling and programming Makeblock robots that offers a complete robotics experience for beginners.


Neuron app is software for learning flow programming with Makeblock Neuron blocks.


To date, the total number of Makeblock software users has exceeded 15 million and continues to grow.

Educational resources


Makeblock provides users with high-quality content for entertainment, self-study, and educational use. Multilingual tutorials, training videos and a variety of new and interesting use cases will help you get started with the products and quickly implement them in your training.

Robotics competition


MakeX is a robotics competition platform that promotes multi-disciplinary learning in science and engineering, which aims to inspire young people to study science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics and apply that knowledge to solve real-world problems by engaging them in exciting competitions.

Vendors catalogue
SKU: P1030478
10800 UAH*
in stock
Makeblock CyberPi Project-Based Coding Kit:Allow Kids Learn Electronics and Coding through STEAM Projects. Learn how CyberPi interacts with the real world and gain an in-depth understanding of robotics and programming. 12 real-world projects such as "Smart Trash Bin" or "Autonomous Vehicle" are 100% suitable for young makers.
SKU: P1090043
29598 UAH*
in stock
The 2022 MakeX Starter Add-on Pack fits mBot2 and these two products together make the 2022 MakeX Starter Educational Competition Kit. It's suitable for those who already have an mBot2 or those who want to customized their kit for the 2022 MakeX Starter competition.
SKU: P1090044
23010 UAH*
in stock
This includes all the materials necessary for setting up a arena in 2022 MakeX Starter. This kit does not include a frame. If you want to save money by making your own frame, only want to use the arena for practice, or have already purchased a MakeX starter frame for the 2020 or 2021 season, then we recommend you to purchase this kit for practice or arena upgrades.
SKU: P1090032
21810 UAH*
in stock
Type: competition set;
SKU: P1030157
21630 UAH*
in stock
The mTiny Discover Kit is based on the 3-6 year olds' learning and development guide and Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences theory. The kit integrates diversified knowledge, enriches children's learning experience in games, pioneers point-and-click physical programming, stimulates children's interest in active exploration and self-directed learning, and exercises children's ability to identify, analyze and solve problems. The entire set of early childhood education solutions is designed to cultivate children's creative and integrative thinking and develop their lifelong learning abilities.
SKU: P1010132
13944 UAH*
in stock
With its revolutionary design, the mBot2 combines metal parts, powerful electronics, block programming and text to Python in one single work. It features a brand new programmable control board, high-precision encoder motors and a newly sensor system.
SKU: P5010083
4938 UAH*
in stock
CyberPi Innovation Add-on Pack, specially designed for AIoT and Python education and robot competitions, comes with CyberPi and various sensors and hardware components. The pack includes mBuild modules and electronic components, meeting the additional needs of students or teachers for sensors while they're learning computer science and technology.
SKU: P1030036
21102 UAH*
in stock
The Neuron Explorer Kit is a new-generation Makeblock product that comes with a variety of programmable electronic blocks. It includes 12 electronic blocks (sound sensor, light sensor, smart power, temperature sensor, etc) and 4 craft materials packs. Using these materials, children can quickly build up five different items, like a car or a piano. What’s even better is that children can code the items to do incredible things using multiple programming languages, like flow-based code, Scratch or Swift. And bundled with game-based tutorials, the Neuron Explorer Kit helps users to explore the world of code in a fun way.
SKU: P1090027
20070 UAH*
in stock
Type: competition set;
SKU: P1020006
22458 UAH*
in stock
AI & IoT Creator Add-on Pack comes with 13 mBuild's electronic modules and 9 accessories packs, including Speaker, Motor, LED Strip, LED Ring, LED Matrix, Fan, Ranging Sensor, PIR Sensor, Dual RGB Sensor, Angle Sensor, Extend Block and Rechargeable Lithium Battery.
SKU: P1030065
4596 UAH*
in stock
Makeblock Halocode is a single board computer with built-in Wi-Fi. Designed for programming education, its compact design integrates a broad selection of electronic modules. Pairing with block-based programming software mBlock, Halocode offers all sorts of opportunities to experience AI & IoT application with just a few clicks; it makes creation easy and fun.
SKU: P1030243
11586 UAH*
out of stock
Codey Rocky is an entry-level coding robot for STEAM education. The combination of easy-to-use robotics hardware with visual programming software mBlock 5, gives all children the opportunity to take their first steps into the world of code and compose their first “Hello World!” statement at the same time as they explore their creativity.
SKU: P1050017
8268 UAH*
out of stock
mBot is a STEAM education robot for beginners, that makes teaching and learning robot programming simple and fun. With just a screwdriver, the step by step instructions, and a study schedule, children can build a robot from scratch and experience the joys of hands-on creation.
SKU: P1090038
78906 UAH*
out of stock
MakeX Explorer Educational Competition Kit has everything that needed for one team to participate in 2022 MakeX Explorer Competition.
SKU: P1090041
40476 UAH*
out of stock
The 2022 MakeX Starter Educational Competition Kit covers cutting-edge knowledge in engineering, data science, AI, and IoT. It is suitable for classroom teaching, student club activities, and multi-task and creative robotics competitions.
SKU: P1030137
12804 UAH*
out of stock
CyberPi AI & IoT Spark Kit features CyberPi and a wide range of sensors and creative hardware designed specially for teaching and competition in AIoT and Python. The kit consists of a series of mBuild modules, electronic parts, and structural parts, meeting the needs of teachers and makers who use hardware for DIY projects. It can be used with the mBuild Creative Practice Expansion Kit to extend functionality for innovative technologies, programming popularization and competitions.
SKU: P1030156
5880 UAH*
out of stock
CyberPi is a programmable microcomputer that's designed for teaching and learning AIoT and Python. It's small, but features a full-color display, multiple input devices, an independently-developed CyberOS system, much larger storage and an assortment of modules and sensors. Working with mBlock, CyberPi brings Python to classrooms and allows users to teach and learn AIoT easily, from the very beginning to advanced. Working with a high-performance Pocket Shield, CyberPi makes creation unlimited. CyberPi is perfect for technological innovations, coding education and other educational purposes, bringing more fun to teaching and learning.
SKU: P1020007
41028 UAH*
out of stock
AI & IoT Education Toolkit Add-on Pack comes with 31 mBuild's electronic modules and 10 accessories packs. With this pack, students can learn Artificial Intelligence (AI), apply the technology to everyday life, and complete engaging projects by using sensors and visual programming. The modules are programmable in both block-based and Python languages. A wide range of coding blocks are available for users to create different projects. Online help, Python API, hardware guides and sample projects can stimulate students' curiosity and imagination and develop their understanding of AI.
SKU: P1020005
24990 UAH*
out of stock
AI & IoT Scientist Add-on Pack contains 18 mBuild electronic modules and 7 accessory packs, including Speaker, Motor, Servo, LED Strip, LED Ring, LED Matrix, Water Pump, Ranging Sensor, Slider, Light Sensor, Soil Moisture Sensor, Joystick, Temperature Sensor, MQ2 Gas Sensor, Humiture Sensor, Flame Sensor, Magnetic Sensor, Extend Module, and Rechargeable Lithium Battery.
SKU: P3090003
942 UAH*
out of stock
Type: Rechargeable battery; Compatibility: mBot;
SKU: P1030089
17112 UAH*
out of stock
mTiny is an early education robot for children growing up in the digital age. Its Tap Pen Controller is a coding tool that exercises children’s logical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
SKU: 09.00.40
45174 UAH*
out of stock
Type: robot-constructor; Color: blue
SKU: 09.00.92
18516 UAH*
out of stock
Makeblock mBot Ranger BT is a robot from the Makeblock line. With the help of the kit, you can build a programmable robot from the model at home. This set will open the door to the world of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

New items

SKU: P1030478
10800 UAH*
in stock
Makeblock CyberPi Project-Based Coding Kit:Allow Kids Learn Electronics and Coding through STEAM Projects. Learn how CyberPi interacts with the real world and gain an in-depth understanding of robotics and programming. 12 real-world projects such as "Smart Trash Bin" or "Autonomous Vehicle" are 100% suitable for young makers.


New items
Довгоочікувана поставка Makeblock з новинками та дефіцитними позиціями вже на складі!
Раді повідомити, що чергова поставка навчальних роботів Makeblock вже на складі ERC разом із оновленим роботом mBot S!
Раді повідомити, що чергова поставка навчальних роботів Makeblock вже на складі ERC разом із абсолютно новими моделями!
Раді повідомити про появу у продажі принципово нової серії конструкторів від Makeblock – Neuron (код товару P1030001).
Technologies in today's world are developing incredibly fast. Young inventors and inquisitive researchers want to immerse themselves in the fascinating process of learning and creativity from an early age. To implement their ideas,...
Раді повідомити про цікаве поповнення ультрасучасним портативним комп’ютером CyberPi, що призначений для навчання та вивчення AIoT та Python. Даний програмований мікрокомп’ютер ідеально підходить для технологічних напрямів освіти,...
Нова українська школа (НУШ) – це школа, до якої учням приємно ходити. Тут прислухаються до їхньої думки, вчать критично мислити, не боятися висловлюватися та бути відповідальними громадянами.
В останній день виставки СEE та CEE Games 2019 компанія-розробник STEAM-конструкторів Makeblock вперше цього року провела національне змагання з робототехніки – Make X Starter Ukraine! Крім коштовних призів, учасники турніру змагались...
Для вдосконалення навчального процесу Міністерством освіти і науки України було поступово запроваджено нову реформу, що має назву Нова українська школа, головна мета якої – створити середовище, у якому буде приємно навчатись і яке...
Makeblock продовжує дивувати дітей і дорослих цікавими та сучасними комплектами для розвитку творчих і технологічних здібностей. На черзі оновлення однієї з найпопулярніших лінійок наборів магнітних електронних блоків Neuron. Цьогоріч...
Однією з характерних особливостей продукції Makeblock є легке для засвоєн­ня та інтуїтивно зрозуміле ПЗ. Починаючи з 2018 року, все програмне забезпечення Makeblock повністю локалізоване українською мовою та не має аналогів на ринку.
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